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The Best 2D NFT Collection in 2022, Launched by SHIBA in July

The Best 2D NFT Collection in 2022, Launched by SHIBA in July

July 08
00:00 2022

Shiba Platinum is an Platinum club for the baddest of the Shiba Platinum Token. Our 2D NFT collection has 5,000 unique hand-drawn Shiba Platinum Carracters with the best detail in the industry.

All Shiba Platinum NFT holders will automatically receive 10,000 #SHIBA Platinum Tokens on their wallet and direct access to all upcoming Shiba Platinum Metaverse Game and AirDrop events.

The NFT Colleccion was launched by SHIBA in July 2022 on OpenSea the best marketplace for buy, sell and mint NFT.

In July 2022, the Shiba Platinum Big Boss 2D Team conducted to deliver the best 2D NFT Collecion for public sale. And currently, people are making an offer of around 0.01 ETH to buy it and when the NFT goes on sale, the price will be 0.05 ETH, which will be a 500% profit.

The price of NFTs will go up by $ 1 each time a person buys an NFT, so after the total sale of the 5000 pieces, the price of an NFT will cost around 3000 $ to 5000 $. If you are looking for the best NFTs, then visit

If you’re a fan of NFTs, then the Shiba Platinum Big Boss 2D NFT that is the best to buy. Since the inception of the Shiba Platinum Big Boss 2D project, it has been regarded as one of the best 2D NFT Collections on the market. With such a low price, the Shiba Platinum Big Boss 2D NFTs are considered to be one of the best Collecion on the 2022.

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Company Name: Shiba Platinum Inu
Contact Person: Media Relations
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Country: Monaco
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