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Saving kenya from the jaws of corruption.

Saving kenya from the jaws of corruption.

February 14
00:00 2017
  • We are faced with the urgency of today.
  • Summary:All is possible if we speak and act in love like brothers.

    Kenya is a great country, adorned with many uncountable gifts, talents and blessings from God and bestowed to its wonderful people who speak diverse languages and who are all united in love as one community of Kenyan.

    But to many, time has stood still, having lost hope for a better future and having no meaning for life ahead due to various social injustices plaguing our country. Parliament manifests the diversity of the nation, represents the will of the people and exercises their sovereignty. It has the obligation and mandate to protect its people and to uphold the constitution. It has at all times, by words promised to do so but has failed to keep its promises. Our national &local assemblies, and all arms of our government have for sure let the people they represent down. They have become broken institutions punishing the poor while rewarding the rich law breakers. They have become assemblies of corruption and vices. Many bills are aimed at serving and protecting our leaders and illegally sucking as much as possible from the poor tax payers. They have neglected their duties. They are feeding and fattening some few chosen while those who get milked are neglected to the point of not able to feed their young ones. They are blackmailing institutions and efforts to fight corruption and other vices, and worse, they are corruption themselves; they breath, eat, drink, sleep, shower and drive corruption. That is their day to day dreams and endeavors. No integrity, honesty, accountability. They make laws and set their penalties but when they are caught by those laws, they remind us they are above them since, and I quote, “SISI NDIO TUNATENGENEZA SHERIA NA TUNA UHURU WA KUZIVUNJA.’’For the laws they make to have meaning, they should hold themselves to the highest standard of conduct and be good role models.

    Though we are crying and begging for a change from our leaders, there is no strong and genuine, political, legal, moral, spiritual and brotherly will to fight the vices. It is grabbing and pushing for self. None is caring for the other and worse, those who are trusted with our lives. All what they do when we cry is carry out endless and costly investigations that leads to nowhere and end up wasting more money than being investigated. All turns into cold cases and the cycle of theft starts again.

     One of the greatest casualties of war is the great and innocent society, shot down on the battlefield of corruption, tribalism, graft, nepotism, patronage, bribery, unemployment. Yes, we have been fighting in this battlefield for long enough, we have cried, mourned, begged, demanded, demonstrated, written articles seen tough-no nonsense talks which works and lasts as long as the live speech. As casualties, we say enough is enough and we are ready to take the bulls by their horns however sharp they are. We are longing, yearning and yawning for this change and it has to come from us. Nobody is going to sweep and clean our house. Nobody is going to replace that leaking roof, nobody is going to repair that broken door. It’s our responsibility to come together, repair our house starting with the foundation and make it stand firm, strong and great again.

    Distinguished, powerful and well respected world leaders will come, lecture and dictate for change but they can do so much to help. We are the only ones who hold the keys and can unlock the change we want. We are the ones who can only arm our morals, our minds, hearts and fight this war. Morals cannot be imported.

    Lets then empower ourselves with the weapon of love, peace and unity and set laws that will take care of all social injustices plaguing our nation/government. Laws that will bar all those involved in corruption from seeking public offices, laws that will take care of their salaries (have the second highest paid lawmakers in the world and the number one unproductive in the world), laws that will hold and deal with corruption as corruption and not as normal life behavior, laws that will hold all accountable of their actions regardless of their political or social affiliation. Laws that will protect and value all people regardless of their political, religion and or region affiliation, laws that will take care of public money and properties and laws that will protect and put the interests and welfare of our nation ahead of interests of any individual.

    It’s our house and our office. We are the employer and we should take the employers’ mantle seriously and put our house and office in order. Time is now to take decisive action before we employ them and shape our future.

    For more information, please visit www.ndio42tunaweza.organd and let’s positively shape our dear nation with the right values and morals.


    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: haki
    Contact Person: Nicholas Rafael
    Phone No: 206-496-2749
    Address: P.O.Box 75704
    City: Seattle
    State: WA

    Country: United States
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