News Live Reports


Hemp Public Relations Congratulates All US States That Made Recreational & Medical Marijuana Legal In Election 2016

Summary:Hemp Public Relations ( ), a reputation management firm for cannabis industry offers its deep congratulations to all States who voted to legalize marijuana in Election 2016. November 17, 2016

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For your next fund raiser or promotion-think about reward cards

According to Anthony Calderone, Forest Park Chamber President, “Selling the Rewards Cards in and around Forest Park has not only helped drive customers into our local businesses, but it has

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TRUMP Cancelling NAFTA to cost Canada 50 Billion- BC Peoples Party

Trump in his campaign has repeatedly endorsed Cancelling NAFTA. Summary:Vancouver BC. Sharan Dhillon. In his #60minute Interview, President Elect, confirmed to deport and jail 2-3 million Illegal Immigrants, especially from

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A Woman-owned business creates the ultimate travel gear for the busy traveler

“I like to run marathons, and they are very quick trips: you fly in, run the marathon, and leave,” said Stephanie Timmer. “This is the ideal travel gear for me.

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The Case for Not Putting Your Job Search on Hold Over the Holidays

I love my new career and thank you for your services. I found most valuable the mock interview session and

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CAREQ-ENS Enhanced Notification Service for Care Facilities

CAREQ can help you what you do best….care for those who need you most. CAREQ is not about technology. It’s

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Design, develop, launch, evaluate and most importantly implement changes. They told us, and we responded. Summary:Less Percent was built with

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New Radio Show “Fighting For Justice” Features In-Depth Legal Analysis’ & Covers Today’s Top Courtroom Headlines

Kuzyk Law’s “Fighting for Justice” is intended to engage listeners and provide a much deeper discussion on current court cases

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World Nation Live Entertainment/Clearwave Telecommunications – Promotes Prince Nnamdi Adigwu to Managing Director of Africa

Summary:Prince Nnamdi Gives Us the Boost We Need to Break into The African Entertainment Market. LAS VEGAS, NV — 10/3/16

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PageQ is a new Breakthrough technology for First Responders

PageQ addresses one of the most common problems for First responders, “missed pages”. PageQ is system that captures either an

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