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GXChain’s Journey to Build a Trusted Data Internet of Value for the Global Data Economy

GXChain’s Journey to Build a Trusted Data Internet of Value for the Global Data Economy

January 09
00:00 2020

The year 2020 is a brand new start for all of us, and also for GXChain, a top public chain brand in China. Despite challenges and crisis happened in the past year, GXChain is ready to continue its mission to develop trusted computing and the public chain ecosystem in 2020.

GXChain used its participation in lots of world-influential blockchain summits, including Consensus 2019 and 2019 San Francisco Blockchain Week to make its voice heard on a global stage. Yunpeng Ding, Director of International Business Development at GXChain, illustrated the future plan of GXChain in his speech during GXChain’s Breakout Session at the Main Stage, Epicenter, during San Francisco Blockchain Week 2019. “The direction of development will stay the same. We will continue to focus on the ecological construction of the public chain and the development of trusted computing” he said. In terms of our public chain, GXChain will continue to promote GXChain ecosystem and give GXChain more use scenarios. More specifically, Mr. Ding illustrated in his speech: “We hope to further expand the number of both users and applications, and drive these applications to form a complete ecosystem by getting involved into users’ daily life, social and business experiences.”

In terms of data and trusted computing, GXChain realized that the current reforms in the data industry, including the introduction of new laws and regulations, is a huge opportunity for trusted computing. It is believed that trusted computing can act as a balancing agent that works to ensure data privacy in the age of large data computing. Trusted computing advocates the protection of individuals’ privacy while implementing big data computing to enhance social benefits and the economic value added of data. At the same time, the blockchain boasts open source code, decentralized nodes, non-tampering, open accounts, intelligent contracts and asset transparency, all of which work to promote users’ confidence in the system’s integrity.

There is a need for technology as the solution to the current regulations. The demo of trusted computing has been completed, and GXChain is looking for application scenarios for trusted computing. The strict management in the financial industry is actually our opportunity. The data industry today requires a secure approach to data processing. The problem is how to find a good industry track for the first rapid commercialization. Although the process of commercialization may take longer than people expected, GXChain has taken action, and they’ve been looking for application scenarios for trusted computing.

Recently, there is more great news from GXChain. In terms of The new revolution of on-chain governance, the creative “One Vote, One Count” Mechanism is expected to launch in the first quarter of 2020, which have attracted lots of influential organizations to join in the GXChain TrustNode Election Campaign.

Not only on the improvement of GXChain’s on-chain ecosystem, GXChain is making huge progress on international brand building and industry construction. GXChain made history in the blockchain industry in conducting company philanthropy collaborating with Gold Treasures to make a notable impact in the lives of children in a local community in Lagos, Nigeria. In the aspect of blockchain research and education, GXChain has achieved a strategic research partnership with the Blockchain Research Centers at major higher education institutes with global influence, including the one at Stony Brook University.

At the same time, new progress has been made in the construction of GXChain’s overseas community. The new Italian community has been added to GXChain global family, and a local blockchain enthusiast is constantly engaged. In South Korea, GXChain’ s new achievements were reported by well-known blockchain media including BEINEWS on Dec. 25, 2019.

Amid all those challenges in the past, GXChain will be brave and confident to overcome all the challenges to develop trusted computing and the public chain ecosystem.

Contact Detail:

Company Name: GXChain
Contact Person: Vera Zhuang
Country: United States
Website Url:


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